The Museum of Early Engineering Technology


The Museum of Early Engineering Technology is located at The Lee Company's headquarters in Westbrook, CT. This museum is home to over 1,000 artifacts ranging from slide rules to parts found on historic spacecraft. This museum celebrates the significant contributions of early engineering technology.

The Lee Company's Museum of Early Engineering Technology

The Lee Company's Museum of Early Engineering Technology is home to over 1,000 artifacts ranging from slide rules to parts found on historic spacecraft. This museum celebrates the significant contributions of early engineering technology.

Museum West Facing

a place to celebrate the advancement of engineering technology.

The Museum of Early Engineering Technology was created and founded by Leighton Lee III in 2002. The museum features over 1,000 artifacts on display. The museum recently moved from its previous location of the “David Bushnell” House to The Lee Company Headquarters in Westbrook, CT. Visitors can come to see and hear facts about artifacts ranging from slide rules to early computers to a working hydrogen fuel cell and numerous Lee components that were critical on historic spacecraft.


The Museum's Exhibits Include:

  • History of the Space Race with Apollo Artifacts
  • H1 Rocket Engine used on the Saturn Rocket for Apollo Missions 1-8
  • Lunar Lander Descent and Ascent Engine
  • Computer Modules & Power Supplies Used on Apollo Missions
  • Lee Restrictors Used in Astronaut Back Packs During Apollo Missions
  • Working Fuel Cell
  • Extensive Selection of Historic Slide Rulers
4250A_Xover® 3-Way Isolation Solenoid Valve_layers
Innovative Pinch Tube Isolation Valves


Xover LXR Series are 3-way internal pinch-tube solenoid valves designed to switch quickly and efficiently between fluid samples. Featuring a Y-shaped elastomer tube, this innovative design combines the flow path of a pinch valve with the versatile, maintenance-free performance of a chemically inert isolation valve. The Xover valve provides unmatched reliability and exceptional flushing characteristics with low carryover volume (3.7 µL), low internal volume (11 µL) and fast, efficient switching performance.


Museum 123
Showing today's students engineering history

School Tours Available 

The Lee Company has hosted numerous school groups to tour our manufacturing facilities and our museum. If you have students interested in the space race and careers in STEM, contact us today to learn more.

to orbit and beyond

Learn about the lee company's history in space

The Lee Company has a long and respected history of providing mission critical miniature hydraulic and pneumatic components for space system applications. Lee components have been involved in spaceflight since before NASA existed, contributing to space exploration, telecommunications, satellite observation, and recent commercial New Space efforts. 



the Museum is available for tours to local schools and organizations interested in learning more about the space race and careers in STEM. Contact us for more information and to schedule a Tour for your group!


2 Pettipaug Rd, PO Box 424, Westbrook, CT 06498-0424, United States